04 Oct 2015

Checking beliefs in dynamic networks

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Network Optimized Datalog (NoD) has the expressiveness of Datalog while scaling to large header spaces because of a new filter-project operator and a symbolic header representation.

Manually discovering any significant number of rules a system must satisfy is a dispiriting adventure — Engler et al.

Lack of knowledge: a major impediment is determining what specification to check13.

Network churn: existing verification techniques operate on a static snapshot of the forwarding state; … bugs only gets triggered when failures occur …modeling such dynamism and provide insight into the effect of such changes.

policy example
production sets customer VMs cannot access controllers
reachable sets customer VMs can access VMs
reachability consistency backup routes have identical reachability (same path path length)
middlebox waypoint a middlebox
locality packets between two stations in the same cluster should stay within the cluster

3 Beliefs and Dynamism in NoD
