13 Oct 2015

Reconciling while Tolerating Disagreement in. Collaborative Data Sharing


a fully decentralized model of collaborative data sharing, in which participants publish their data on ad hoc basis and simultaneously reconcile updates with those published by others.

the solution …
is not one globally consistent
but rather to give each participant a custom, internally consistent instance with the data that this particular source accepts as authorative
data instance should be loosely coupled
each participant queries and manipulates a local database instance and may occasionally publish its data, including a log of recent changes … every database instance subject to updates, in the form of transactions. not all of these transactions may originate from sources trusted by all parties; hence, each site must decide whether to accept an update (in effect, synchronization a portion of this site’s data instance with the origin of the update) …
define reconciliation in a participant-centric way, and assume a global ordering on when participants reconcile. (we term each step an epoch) …

maximal progress and monotonicity