30 Oct 2015

The programmer as navigator


This year the whole world celebrates the five-hundredth birthday of Nicolaus Copernicus, the famous Polish astronomer and mathematician. In 1543, Copernicus published his book, Concerning the Revolutions of Celestial Spheres, which described a new theory about the relative physical movements of the earth, the planets, and the sun.

I raise the example of Copernicus today to illustrate a parallel that I believe exists in the computing or, more properly, the information systems world.

From this point, I want to begin the programmer’s training as a full-fledged navigator in an n-dimensional data space.

involves all aspects of storing, retrieving, modifying, and deleting data in the files on personnel and production, airline reservations, or laboratory experiments

inquiry or retrieval activity that reaccesses previously stored data

Let us now return to our story concerning the programmer as navigator. We left him using the randomizing or the index sequential technique to expedite either inquiry or update of a file based upon a primary data key.

There are many benefits gained in the conversion from several files, each with a single type of record, to a database with several types of records and database sets. One such benefit results from the significant improvement in performance that accrues from using the database sets in lieu of both primary and secondary indices to gain access to all the records with a particular data key value.