work around the network rather than with the network: video conferencing applications constantly probe network bandwidth 6, overlay networks are used to re-route traffic6, network paths are reactively reconfigured based on inferences1, and humans are required to throttle heavy network loads in response to planned or unplanned shifts in traffic matrix.
contribute API … implemented by an OpenFlow controller that
algorithms for consolidating hierarchical policies16: new algorithm reducing complexity from exponential to polynomial
independent logic: +D
between requests within the same share; +P
between parent and child share; +S
between sibling share
6 D.Bonfiglio,M.Mellia,M.Meo,andD.Rossi.Detailed analysis of skype traffic. IEEE Trans. on Multimedia, 2009.
1 M.Al-Fares,S.Radhakrishnan,B.Raghavan,N.Huang,and A. Vahdat. Hedera: Dynamic flow scheduling for data center networks. In NSDI10.
16 A.D.Ferguson, A.Guha,C.Liang,R.Fonseca,and
S. Krishnamurthi. Hierarchical Policies for Software Defined
Networks. In HotSDN 12.