15 Oct 2015

CoVisor: A Compositional Hypervisor for Software Defined Networks


CoVisor, a new network hypervisor …
assembly of multiple controllers: the hypervisor intercepts and processes industry-standard OpenFlow messages
abstracts concrete topologies
CoVisor, a hypervisor that exploits efficient new algorithms to compile and update policies from upstream controllers, each of which has its own view of the network topology
primary challenge surrounding the creation of such a fully featured hypervisor is efficiency
efficient algorithms for composing controller policies, for compiling virtual networks into concrete OpenFlow rules, and for efficiently processing controller rule updates.
CoVisor algorithm, key insight
rule priorities form a convenient algebra to calculate priorities for new rules, obviating the need to recompile from scratch for every rule update

2 overview

the network administrator configures CoVisor to compose controllers with a simple language of commands
take member policies (OpenFlow commands issued from a controller to CoVisor) as input
produce a single composed policy
action (a) default
T1 + T2 in parallel
T1 >> T2 in sequence