18 Nov 2015

Improiving Network Management with Software Defined Networking


today’s networks typically involve integration and interconnection of many proprietary, vertically integrated devices.

Incremental “updates” to configuration methods and commands are generally dictated unilaterally by vendors.

Our policy language and accompanying control framework, Procera, is based on functional reactive programming (FRP).

The southbound interface
refers to the interface and protocol between programmable switches (SDN-capable switches) and the software controller.
northbound interface
determines how to express operational tasks and network policies, and also how to translate them into a form the controller can understand.

Procera is a network control framework that helps operators express event-driven network policies that react to various types of events using a high-level functional programming language … a glue between high-level event-driven network policies and low-level network configuration.


Software defined networking introduces a vehicle for raising the level of abstraction for network configuration, and designing languages and network controllers that automatically react to frequent and continual changes to network state.

… functional reactive programming …
