21 Nov 2015

Software transactional networking: concurrent and consistent policy composition


fine-grained locking on network components and avoids complex state machine replication.

… logically centralized, important considerations such as high availability, responsiveness, and scalability dictate that a robust control platform be realized as a distributed system.

… multi-authorship of network policy, we face the issues of policy composition and conflict resolution.

Onix realizes a control platform that relies on existing distributed systems techniques and builds upon the notion of a Network Information Base (NIB), i.e., a data structure that maintains a copy of the network state.

strongly consistent policy composition
results in all data plane traffic experiencing the same globally ordered sequence of composed policy updates.

Implementing strongly consistent transactional synchronization can be achieved by centrally serializing the requests at a single master controller or using state-machine replication.

a surprisingly simple light-weight implementation of it that only requires low-level, per-switch port conflict resolution, which can be implemented by, e.g., maintaining one lock per hardware switch. Our implementation assumes that sequential composition rules are explicitly (but possibly incompletely) specified using the earlier work [2,3],

weakly consistent policy composition
allows different traffic flows to experience differently ordered sequences of composed policy updates.



The Case for Reliable Software Transactional Networking

This paper initiates the study of the SDN control plane as a distributed system.

2 consistent policy composition

the existence of HS establishes that H is sequentially composable

3 Modeling Software Defined Networks