21 Dec 2015

SDN for the Cloud

paper, slide


Motivating scenario network engineering
Innovation: infer traffic control routing, centralize control to meet network-wide goals
TomoGravity ACM Sigmetrics 2013 Test of Time Award
RCP Usenix NSDI 2015 Test of Time Award
4D ACM Sigcomm 2015 Test of Time Award
VL2, sigcomm 2009
scale-out L3 fabric, SDN and NFV
per customer virtual networks
Cloud provided the killer scenario for SDN
Virtualized Data Center for each customer — prior art fell short
High scale fault tolerant distributed systems and data management

VL2 → Azure

Consistent cloud design principles for SDN

Scale-out N-Active Data Plane

Embrace and Isolate failures

Centralized control plane: drive network to target state
Resource managers service requests, while meeting system wide objectives Controllers drive each component relentlessly to the target state Stateless agents plumb the policies dictated by the controllers
Challenges of Scale
number of paths, dynamic set of gray failure modes, chasing app latency
Azure State Management

App I: Automatic Failure Mitigation

App II: Traffic Engineering Towards High Utilization (SWAN)

Azure Cloud Switch OS to manage the switches as we do servers

Physical and Virtual networks, NFV

Hyperscale SDN: All Policy is in the Host

Challenges for Hyperscale SDN Controllers - scale up to 500k+ Hosts in a region - scale down to small deployments too - millions of updates per day - support frequent updates without downtime

Regional Network Controller Stats

API execution time

Varying deployment footprint

Azure SLB: Scaling Virtual Network Functions

Key Idea: Decompose Load Balancing into Tiers to achieve scale-out data plane and centralized control plane

Data Center-Scale Distributed Router
extrem scale: 10k customers, 10k routes each → 100M routes

Integration of enterprise & cloud, physical & virtual

Virtual Filtering Platform (VFP)
acts as a virtual switch inside Hyper-V VMSwitch
Flow Tables
a typed Match- Action-Table API to the controller
the Right Abstraction for the Host


Keynote: SDN for the Cloud

ABSTRACT Cloud computing is a new paradigm, which touches everything from enterprise data centers, to wide area networks, to massive scale data centers, with millions of servers. Coordinating such large systems requires a new way to control the network — setting a target state for each component and driving each to the goal state, so that the network meets global objectives, in a sea of growth and change: customers creating and adapting virtual networks at amazing pace, while new features are rolled out, new data centers are built out and older ones decommissioned. Software Defined Networking (SDN) is a key enabling technology, built on principles of delivering direct control and network-wide views. At Microsoft Azure, we pioneered these principles, and built them into the fabric of the Cloud.

cloud optimized, low cost, high performance, super reliable and automated

Virtual Layer-2 (VL2), Virtual Networks (VNets), Load Balancing (Ananta), Data Center TCP (DCTCP)