15 Nov 2015

Logic Programming


L1 Logic Programming

1.1 Computation vs. Deduction

To compute
we start from a given expression and, according to a fixed set of rules (the program) generatee a result.
  15+26 → (1+2+1)1 → (3+1)1 → 41

computation — a limited form of deduction, establishes theorems

To deduce
start from a conjecture and, according to a fixed set of rules (the axioms and inference rules), try to construct a proof of the conjecture.

So computation is mechanical and requires no ingenuity, while deduction is a creative process. For example,

  a^n + b^n ̸= c^n for n > 2, ... 357 years of hard work ..., QED.

deduction — form of computation if we fix a strategy for proof search, removing the guesswork

George Boole succeeded in reducing a certain class of logical reasoning to computation in so-called Boolean algebras… undecidability results of the 20th centuries we know that not everything we can reason about is in fact mechanically computable….

1.2 Judgments and Proofs

The most basic notion is that of a judgment, which is an object of knowledge. We know a judgment because we have evidence for it. The kind of evidence we are most interested in is a proof, which we display as a deduction using inference rules.

If J1 and ··· and Jn then we can conclude J by virtue of rule R.

(judgment) A true, ... omit the trailing "true"

To make the transition from inference rules to logic programming we need to impose a particular strategy.

To make the transition from inference rules to logic programming we need to impose a particular strategy…negation does not have first-class status in logic programming.

1.4 Answer Substitutions

consider a goal of the form plus(s(z), s(z), R) where R is an unknown … Search not only constructs a proof, but also a term t for R such that plus(s(z), s(z), t) is true.

the original goal is called the query, its unknowns are logic variables, and the result of the computation is an answer substitution for the logic variables, suppressing the proof.

1.5 Backtracking

choice point
during proof search the goal matches the conclusion of more than one rule
the process … if the first attempt at a proof fails, we try the second one that matches …