09 Oct 2015

Provenance and Data Synchronization


in peer-based data sharing systems, …, guarantees privacy, and improves performance. … the replicas behave like views, and so mechanisms for updating and maintaining views are also important. the mapping between sources and views defined by a query is not generally one-to-one and this loss of information is what makes view update and view mechanism difficult.

a lens is a bidirectional program … when read from left to right it denotes an ordinary function that maps sources to view. when read from right to left, the same lens denotes an “update translator” that takes a source together with an updated view and produces a new source that reflects the update.


… update exchange is filtered by trust conditions, expressing what data and sources a peer judges to be authorative, which may cause a peer to reject another’s update …

  • random: fundamental mismatch between PL & bottom up SDN app …
  • OS low-level, not semantically rich suppot
  • → advocate a bottom up yet semantically rich …