09 Oct 2015

Practical Declarative Network Management

flow-based management language (FML), a declarative policy language for managing the configuration of enterprise networks — designed to replace the many disparate configuration mechanism … including ACLs, VLANs, NATs, policy-routing, and proprietary admission control systems. FML balances the desire to express policies naturally and enforce policies efficiently.

use of VLANs and sub-netting for isolation, NATs for client protection, and policy-routing for source-based policies and the integration of middleboxes

assume the network policy engine can derive the associated high-level names for all flows on the network. FML must assume the possibility of distributed authorship within a single policy domain. Lead to policies with conflicts … two conflict resolution mechanisms:

because all application statements follow the same logical model, multiple applications can be used to used to manage the network from the same policy file (provided a sane conflict resolution strategy exists) …

2. FML

2.1 Background

2.2 Overview

FML is a language for specifying policies about flows. FML is based on nonrecursive datalog with negation. A FML policy is a set of statements, each representing a simple if-then relationship.

two conflict resolution mechanisms
One under the control of application developers and resolves conflicts at the level of keywords
the other (a FML cascade) is under the control of policy writers and is built into the language itself …
Formally, conflict resolution acts as a layer of semantics that is defined on top of the core (stratified) semantics of FML.

2.3 Conflict Resolution

The resolution mechanism throws away all con- straints except those with the highest priority.

… multiple applications can be used to manage the network from the same policy file (provided a sane conflict resolution strategy exists …

4.2 Policy Lookup and Evaluation

Figure 1: Example decision tree

4.3 Deployments

Flow setup latencies (involving two permission checks, route calculations, and flow-entry setups) are generally under 20ms. In our deployments, there is not enough traffic to stress our implementation (we generally see less than 100 new flow setups/s even in the larger network).
